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WEEK 2, TERM 1 |
Friday, 15 February |
Internet Safety Day Years 3-6 |
WEEK 3, TERM 1 | |
Monday, 17 February |
Aboriginal Education Contact Teacher Day - Mrs Powell |
Tuesday, 18 February |
MiniLit Training and Initialit Q&A for staff Sushi Tuesdays commence School Community Council Executive Committee Meeting 6.00pm |
Wednesday, 19 February |
Year Six Camp at Jindabyne, Department of Sport and Recreation with Mrs Lowe, Mr Hunt, Miss Beissner and Mr Payne. |
Thursday, 20 February |
Year Six Camp at Jindabyne, Department of Sport and Recreation with Mrs Cole, Mr Hunt, Miss Beissner and Mr Payne. Mrs Lowe at ACT Catholic Primary Principals Meeting and Archicoesan Principals Executive Committee Meeting |
Friday, 21 February |
Year Six Camp at Jindabyne, Department of Sport and Recreation with Mrs Cole, Mr Hunt, Miss Beissner and Mr Payne. Year 2/3 Aboriginal Connection to the Land Workshop Flexischools Lunch Order Clothing Pool Open from 2.45pm |
WEEK 4, TERM 1 | |
Monday, 24 February |
Meet the Teacher - Parent/Carer Teacher Conversations |
Tuesday, 25 February |
Meet the Teacher - Parent/Carer Teacher Conversations Classroom Support Teacher Network Day - Mrs Talbott MiniLit Training and Initialit Q&A for staff Sushi Tuesday |
Wednesday, 26 February |
Meet the Teacher - Parent/Carer Teacher Conversations ThinkuKnow Presentations - Years 3-6 |
Thursday, 27 February |
Sacrament of Reconciliation Parent Information Evening 6.00pm via Zoom |
Friday, 28 February |
Year 6 Leadership Induction Ceremony (Jersey Distribution) Flexischools Lunch Order Clothing Pool Open from 2.45pm |
Morning Drop-Off and Duty of Care
At St Matthew’s, the safety and well-being of our students are our highest priority. We appreciate the trust parents and carers place in us every day.
We would like to remind families that staff supervision begins at 8:30am, when the school gates open. It is only after the students enter the school grounds, they are under the school’s duty of care.
To support student safety, we ask families to remind their children to:
- Upon arrival, enter the school grounds immediately, and do not linger near the gates.
- Once they arrive, they should remain inside the school grounds, even if they see a friend, pet, or their ball outside the gate (and in this instance, they need to see one of the teachers on playground duty).
- Be mindful of traffic and road safety when arriving and leaving school.
We appreciate your support in ensuring a safe start to the school day for all students.
Thank You – Swimming Carnival Success!
I would like to thank Dillon Payne and Daniel Hunt for their fantastic coordination of our Swimming Carnival at Stromlo Leisure Centre. Their hard work and organisation ensured a smooth and enjoyable event for all!
We are also incredibly grateful to our wonderful parent volunteers Dan Marks, Greg Watman, Jaimi Pigram, Nat Munoz, Francine Larobina, Quyen Pindral, Susan Sturgeon, Jo Canty and Cheryl Toussaint who gave their time to support the event. Their help was invaluable in making the day a success!
A big congratulations to all our students for their fantastic behaviour, enthusiastic participation, and outstanding sportsmanship. It was wonderful to see everyone giving their best effort and cheering on their peers.

Introducing InitiaLit – Our New Literacy Program
At St Matthew’s, we are continually committed to providing a strong foundation in literacy for all students. This year, we are excited to introduce InitiaLit, a research-based literacy program designed to support early reading, writing, and spelling development.
What is InitiaLit?
InitiaLit is a structured synthetic phonics program that provides a systematic and explicit approach to teaching reading and spelling. It is designed for Kindergarten to Year 2 and aligns with the latest research on how children best learn to read.
How Does InitiaLit Work?
- Phonemic Awareness & Phonics – Students learn to recognise and manipulate sounds in words, which is essential for reading and spelling.
- Letter-Sound Knowledge – The program teaches children to connect letters with their sounds, allowing them to decode words effectively.
- Reading & Comprehension – InitiaLit incorporates engaging stories and structured lessons to build vocabulary and comprehension skills.
- Writing & Spelling – Students develop spelling and writing skills through structured, explicit teaching.
Why InitiaLit?
InitiaLit provides an engaging and structured approach to early literacy, ensuring that all students build a strong foundation in reading and writing. Its evidence-based methods are designed to give children confidence and success in literacy from the start. Additionally, it ties in seamlessly with our Tier 2 MiniLit intervention program, which provides extra support for students who need additional help with reading skills. By implementing InitiaLit alongside MiniLit, we endeavour to provide the instruction and support all students need to thrive in literacy.
St Matthew’s Homework Statement of Practice
Research shows mixed results regarding homework's impact on student achievement. While some studies suggest a minor positive effect, we believe homework can be beneficial when it is achievable, independent, and aligned with classroom learning. It also helps students develop time management and responsibility.
Our Approach to Homework:
At St Matthew’s, we value the connection between home and school. Our homework approach aims to:
- Strengthen literacy and numeracy skills.
- Develop responsibility, time management, and organisation.
- Provide opportunities to consolidate classroom learning.
We also recognise the importance of family time and community activities. Parents are encouraged to supervise homework and communicate any concerns with teachers.
Core Homework Activities:
All students are expected to read every night and complete revision tasks. Recommended homework times vary by year level and focus on essential skills such as reading, sight words, and numeracy practice.
Home Reading Program
Our home reading program will commence over the next few weeks, and we appreciate your support with this. Research shows that reading for just 20 minutes a day exposes children to approximately 1.8 million words per year, significantly improving their vocabulary, comprehension, and overall academic success.
School Fees – Term 1
School fee invoices will be distributed in Week 3 or Week 4. Families can make payments in regular BPay instalments throughout the year or in bulk.
Your school fees and the School Buildings Levy support the delivery of high-quality education, the funding of all staff, and the maintenance and improvement of school facilities.
It is a policy of the Archdiocese that no student should be refused enrolment, excluded, or disadvantaged because their family is unable to afford fees. If you have any concerns that the 2025 fees may cause hardship for you and your family, I encourage you to contact me for a confidential discussion on the assistance available to support your child.
If you require assistance with payment arrangements, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Finance Manager, Chris.
Birthday Thanks!
I typically like to let my birthdays slip by without a fuss, but last week, I celebrated a milestone birthday at St. Matthew's, and the staff and students made sure it was a day to remember. The warm wishes, birthday songs, and kind gestures from students, staff, parents, and carers made my day extremely special.
Thank you all for your thoughtfulness and kindness. It reminded me once again of what an incredible school community we have. I feel so blessed to be a part of it.
In Truth and Love,
Sarah Lowe
Communication at St Matthew’s
St Matthew’s Primary School values and promotes partnerships between parents/carers, students and staff. We are committed to respectful, measured, sensitive and constructive communication. In adhering to these principles, we aim to strengthen the goodwill and the positive partnerships between the school, our families, the parish and the broader Catholic community to enhance our children's wellbeing and learning opportunities.
A few decades ago, communication with teachers occurred via handwritten notes or by booking meetings through the front office. Not much of a teacher’s day was taken up with communicating with parents. Over the last twenty years, technology has made it easier and easier for parents to approach teaching staff and communicate with them. We acknowledge that email is very convenient for parents who may find it difficult to speak to or meet with school staff during regular work hours. In many ways, easy access to email communication promotes excellent working partnerships with our parents, which we value and appreciate. However, it can also become a challenge for teachers if they are spending their preparation and planning time each afternoon reading and responding to emails.
Here are a few important points to note about communicating with the school:
- Outside of working hours, with the exception of extenuating circumstances or in an emergency, staff are not expected to access or respond to emails from other staff, parents, students or external agencies.
- In most instances, if parents/carers have concerns that need addressing regarding the social, emotional, or academic needs of their students, the classroom teacher is the first contact. However, responding to non-urgent, frequent emails impact teachers’ planning and preparation time.
- Please call the front office for urgent matters or matters about lost clothing, lunches or pick-up arrangements.
- During the day, from 8.20am, teachers are teaching, on duty, or preparing lessons, and will probably not read emails until the end of the school day.
- Emails to teaching staff at St Matthew’s are responded to within two school days.
- To make an appointment for a face-to-face or telephone meeting, contact the front office, or email the class teacher. Unscheduled or impromptu meetings before or after school are strongly discouraged. Teachers prepare lessons, complete administrative tasks and attend meetings at these times.
- If you have an issue related to other students or parents in the school, please bring this to the attention of the Principal or Leadership Team, instead of trying to deal with it yourself.
- If parents would like to make a complaint, they are encouraged to discuss the issue with the classroom teacher or school Principal in the first instance, depending on the nature of the complaint. If it is not possible to have a conversation, an email is also acceptable, and will generally be followed up with a phone call or meeting. Many issues can be resolved quickly through discussion. Catholic Education’s Complaints Policy can be found here.
Students should feel comfortable speaking with staff members about matters that need addressing. In the first instance, students should discuss concerns or ideas with their classroom teacher. When this is not appropriate or possible, students should identify another trusted member of staff with whom to have a discussion. This could include the School Counsellor.
Regular, whole-school communication is available to parents through:
- St Matthew’s Primary School Website, which is regularly updated
- Our fortnightly newsletter
- Compass
- Morning Assemblies to which you are always warmly invited
- Award assemblies, held on Friday afternoons in the hall approximately twice each term.
- Meet the Teacher evenings, which take place early in Term 1
- Semester Reports
- Parent Teacher Interviews
Effective communication between a school and its parent community is crucial for building trust, addressing concerns, and ensuring that students receive the support they need to thrive academically and emotionally. We are very grateful for your support.
If you have any questions or suggestions about communication at St Matthew’s, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Principal, Sarah ( or our Assistant Principal, Petra (
Petra Cole
Religious Education with Miss Murdock
Lighting the Way as Pilgrims of Hope
As we embark on the 2025 school year, our theme, "Lighting the Way as Pilgrims of Hope," draws deeply from the Catholic Church's theme of "Pilgrims of Hope" and the Jubilee.
The life of faith is often described as a pilgrimage toward the light of the Risen Lord. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light” (Is 9:2). This great light is Jesus, who gathers every people and nation by His Word. As a school community, we are called to reflect this light in our daily lives, offering hope and unity to one another.
The Jubilee is a time of spiritual renewal and growth, encouraging us to restore our relationships with God, each other, and creation. We strive to find our light, inspire others, strengthen our community and embrace world hope. Through acts of kindness, faith, and encouragement, we have a powerful opportunity to make a positive impact, lighting the way in our classrooms and our wider school community.
Upcoming Events
Term 1 boasts a wonderful time of reflection and celebration. We always warmly welcome you to our school events. Please add the following to your calendar.
Ash Wednesday Mass - 5th March @ 12pm
Holy Week Reflection - 10th April @ 9:30-11:00am
Sacramental Program
As our Sacramental Program starts again, we invite you to enrol your child in the upcoming Sacrament of Reconciliation. For Baptised Catholic students, this is an important step in their faith journey and will help them experience God's loving forgiveness.
Please enrol your child via the QKR application through the St Matthew’s and St Vincent’s Parish page.
Thursday, 27th February @6pm will be our online parent information session for enrolled families of students undergoing their Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Link to Zoom
Technology at St Matthew's
At St Matthew’s, our students and teachers have access to a wide range of technology to assist with teaching and learning. Each of our classrooms has an interactive panel that enables teachers to display content to enhance learning. Students in Kindergarten to Year 3 have access to iPads with a wide range of educational apps. We also offer one-to-one Chromebooks for students in Year 4 onwards. This initiative enables students to access the internet promoting collaboration through digital tools and real-time feedback, using many of the Google Suite applications.
Internet Safety Day
This Friday, our students in Years 3 to 6 will participate in a day dedicated to learning about how to be safe and aware digital citizens.
Some of the content that will be covered includes:
- Recognising ways in which digital devices can be distracting.
- Identify ideal device-free moments for themselves and others.
- Understand that you should never give out private information online.
- Understand that it's important to think about the words we use because everyone interprets things differently.
- Understand what responsibilities we have for the digital footprints we can create.
- How clickbait uses the curiosity gap to get your attention.
- Cyberbullying and the impacts it has on people.
Students in Years 3 to 6 will receive their ICT agreement form at the end of the day. This agreement outlines the students' responsibility to use technology safely at St Matthew’s. Once this form has been signed and returned to school, students will have their log in details distributed so they can access technology at school.
Stay Tuned...
Each fortnight, in my column, I will include a variety of tips about remaining safe and aware digital citizens. Stay tuned!
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to 2025! We have a big year ahead in all things sports.
Well done to all students who participated in this year's annual swimming carnival. A great day was had by all. Thank you to all of our parent helpers on the day. Without your support, running days like this would not be possible.
Ribbons and regional qualifiers will be announced in the next couple of weeks.
This term, all students will be participating in touch football clinics. These clinics will be run by both Wests Rugby and ACT Touch Football. If your child is interested in trialling rugby as a sport, links to their respective websites are below:
Wests Rugby -
ACT Touch Football -
Reminder: All expression of interest notes for the ACT Futsal Gala Day are due by Friday 14th of February.
Cross Country Carnival
We will be hosting our annual Cross Country Carnival at the Stromlo Walking Track. The date is set for Friday 28th of March (Week 8). If you are able to attend and assist on the day, could you please email Mr Payne via
St Matthew's Sporting Star
During the holiday break, Lorenzo, in Year 3, represented the ACT Futsal team at the National Championships held in Sydney.
Congratulations, Lorenzo, we are proud of you!
If your child has been participating in sporting and extracurricular events, we would love to hear about it and share it with our school community.
Yours in sports,
Dillon Payne
Library Bags
It’s no secret that regular reading has stacks of benefits for your child’s growing mind: development of literacy, imagination, focus, social and communication skills, to name a few. Your child will be carrying books home constantly – that’s where a great kids’ library bag comes in.
A dedicated library bag or satchel keeps your child’s borrowed reads safe and separate from their other belongings whilst travelling to and from school – it’s an important item in their school bag! A library bag needs to be hard-wearing, so seek out something well-made with strong materials, as well as one that is waterproof. This helps to keep books protected from drink bottles and food items in school bags.
If your child does not already own a library bag, please purchase one asap. Waterproof library bags can be purchased from shops such as Officeworks (see here), Best & Less (see here), or Kmart (see here). You can also order personalised ones from various online stores.
Thank you for helping to ensure your child has their named library bag ready for each library lesson!
Book Clubs for 2025
This year, we are trialling a new book club through one of Canberra’s local book shops, The Book Cow. This will be the first book club of every term, and we will continue to have Scholastic Book Club as the second book club each term. When you purchase books through either book club, our school gets a commission that we can use to purchase new books for our library. However, there is never any obligation to order.
The Book Cow’s book club catalogues will be coming home in the next week or so. This book club will be run in a similar way to Scholastic. Parents will be able to order online, following the details on the back of the book club catalogue. The Book Cow staff will be conducting weekly drop-offs to our school. Our school will receive a 15% credit of the total sales to spend on new books for our library. Families will also receive a 5% credit on any purchases they make. Please note that some of the books listed in the catalogue are due for release at a later date, so you will need to wait until their publication date for those books to be delivered to our school.
As this is the first book club that The Book Cow is running, please send any feedback about the process to the Education Team at or to me at, and I can pass it on.
Thank you,
Miss Judd
Hi, parents and carers,
My name is Jo, and I am happy to be returning to St. Matthew's as the school counsellor this year.
The school counselling program can be used as a first port of call in supporting and addressing your child’s mental well-being within the school environment. As the school counsellor, I can work with your kids using a short-term, child-led intervention model to support them in addressing any concerns relating to big feelings, relationships, growth and emotional regulation and expression. Through sessions that involve a lot of play, art and talking – I aim to facilitate a safe and objective space for children to explore their feelings and provide guidance and strategies for them to learn to manage and regulate themselves in different contexts.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to enquire further about the service and whether it might be helpful for your child.
If you would like to make a referral for your child, please use the link below to access the online form. Once this referral has been made, I will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your concerns and how the service might be helpful to support your child.
I look forward to working with you and your school throughout 2025.